Global   Region

WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard

This interactive dashboard/map provides the latest global numbers and numbers by country of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis.

Timeline: WHO's COVID-19 response

Explore the interactive timeline showcasing how the organization has taken action on information, science, leadership, advice, response and resourcing.

Director-General's speeches

The Member State Working Group
  • Early on we worked out that beating this new health threat would require three things: Science. Solutions. Solidarity.
  • While there were 1.8 million recorded deaths in 2020, there were 3.5 million in 2021 and we know the actual number is much higher.
  • Delta and Omicron are twin threats that are driving up cases to record numbers.

Global Conference on Health Promotion

Health Promotion: Health Promotion for Well-being, Equity and Sustainable Development
